2024年5月30日(上海),国产EDA软件SKILLPRO发布最新版:V4.7.3。安装程序:下载 ,安装指南:下载;
SKILLPRO V4.7.3版本更新内容:
1) New Kits Function: Calculate iMax (SKILLPRO->kits-> Calculate iMax)
Calculate the maximum current capacity for selected wires/vias, able to handle advanced width/length dependent EM rules.
Command GUI:
Advance width/length dependent EM rules Setup.
2) New Kits Function: Fix Acute Angle (SKILLPRO->kits-> Fix Acute Angles)
Fixing the acute angles by adding a Square or Circle on the vertices.
Command GUI:
3) 3 New Place Functions (SKILLPRO->Place)
Sort Instances, Select Insts By Connected Pins, Select Insts By InstTerms to quick select Instances according to their connected pins/instances, and place/align them to the connected pins/instances.
Command GUIs:
4)Improved Pin Tunneling Function.
Fixed bug when there is no prBoudnary obj on top level. Enhanced to handle when reference pins are not at the edge of a prBoudnary (By drawing a box/region to pick the reference pins).
Command new GUIs:
5)Improved the following vEditor Commands with option to pick “All” metals.
BusAdjust, DentCorner, Detour, vStretch, vMove.
6) Improve CXView command to fix a potential bug.
7) Improved the extractNet command to highlight each net objects with difference colors when extracting multiple nets.
8) Added a program (scdRuleValidation() ) to check the validation of the SKILLPRO rule file against the Virtuoso techfile.
9) Improved rSolver to handle big nets (over 1,000,000 shapes).
10) Improved the temp cell names for a design environment requiring uppercase cell names.
Also including,SKILLPRO V4.7.2 Main Improvements
1) New Kits Function: Swap Net Names. (SKILLPRO->kits->Swap Net Names)
Swap net name orders by drawing a v-Line, essentially to avoid G0 spacing rules in Advanced node.
2) New Kits Function: Reverse Net Names. (SKILLPRO->kits->Reverse Net Names)
Reverse net name orders by drawing a v-Line.
4) New Kits Function: Swap Group Components. (SKILLPRO->kits-> Swap Group Components )
Swap the components in two figGroups by their relative position.
5) New Kits Function: Reverse Instances. (SKILLPRO->kits->Reverse Instances)
Reverse the instance placement by drawing a v-Line.
6) New Kits Function: Reverse Shapes. (SKILLPRO->kits->Reverse Shapes)
Reverse the shape placement by drawing a v-Line.
7) Improved BusContinue & riverRouter commands to draw “path” or “pathSeg” based on the user’s preference.
8) Fixed ignore cell bug on extractNet/hilightNet commands
9) New Function: Multi CMOS xView
Creating Multiple CMOS xViews by the coordinates in a file
10) New LASA Command: wspRouter (alpha version)
A point to point router in WSP environment.
11) Improved SKILLPRO rule file setup ATR to get the current densities of metal/via layers and contact resistance from Techfile
12) Improved Align Bus End command (align to Via) when original path/wires are not truncate style
13) Added an environmental variable _scdTempCellNameUpperCase to control using the uppercase name for the scratch cells used by skillpro command (When _scdTempCellNameUpperCase = t )
14) improved stepRouter to avoid an error when the starting with for metal spacing rules are not from 0