2023年7月1日(上海),国产EDA软件SKILLPRO发布最新版:V4.6.3。本版本在众多国内客户反馈的基础上,针对本土用户的使用习惯、操作方法等做了优化,增加了Tile Selected/Visible Shapes等新功能,调整优化了PIN功能群。欢迎各位用户使用,license申请请发邮件至sales@yangeis.com.cn,我们将为每一位有兴趣使用SKILLPRO的用户提供长期评估license,请联系17821750547。
1)Pin Function Interface Change. From Previous each command having its own form to all commands are bundled into one form.
2)Improved “Pin Tunneling” command to update the Pin layer/Size from the settings in the command form.
3)Improved the netExtraction command to handle different cut layers for different color layers in advanced node N7, N5,N3…
4)Improved the promote Pin command with option to adopt the source connectivity from VXL or an instance in a schematic.
5) Improved the “rSolver” command. Added a new option “Skip Net Extraction” in the command form, so that the slowness of the skill based net extraction process can be skipped if the shapes of a net was already extracted by other more powerful tools.
6) Added a new function “Tile Selected/Visible Shapes” in kits.